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Dry Needling Consent Form

Why use Dry Needling:

|Dry needling is a form of treatment where very fine single-use, sterile, acupuncture needles are inserted into the tissues (pierces the skin) in order to create neurophysiological reactions in the body and stimulate a healing effect. Depending on the specific points chosen & technique used, this assists with pain relief, reducing inflammation, improving local immune/ healing responses and relaxing muscle spasm to assist healing.

Precautions & Contraindications:

Your Practitioner will screen for reasons why extra care needs to be taken or whether you should not have dry needling (precautions or contraindications).

Tick the box, to indicate whether you have any of the following conditons

Risks/ Side effects:

Most risks are minor. These may include (but are not limited to):

  • Bruising or bleeding.

  • Fainting.

  • Nausea.

  • Discomfit or rarely pain.

  • Alteration of energy levels. Some people may experience either high levels of energy or may feel fatigued after acupuncture/ dry needling.

Very rare (less than 1 in 10,000):

  • Infections.

  • Metal allergy.

  • Certain areas have risk of Pneumothorax (collapsed lung). Our therapists are trained not to needle in these areas.

Preparation for treatment:

  • Wear appropriate clothing: loose-fitting clothing to allow the appropriate area to be accessed. This includes appropriate underwear if outer clothing needs to be removed.

  • Have a meal or light snack before attending for treatment. It is possible that acupuncture/ dry needling may affect blood sugar levels. This is particularly important if you are diabetic.


  • You will be positioned comfortably usually in a lying position.

  • Sterile needles (single use) will then be inserted. A sharp feeling is usually felt.

  • The technique involves manipulating the needle until a jump or twitch is achieved in the muscle. This releases "knots" in the muscles.

  • Needles will be removed after a period of treatment.


Cautions after the Treatment:

  • Fatigue and Drowsiness: Again ensure that before driving a vehicle you are not feeling drowsy or fatigued. If you do experience this - have a snack or drink and rest until vou are safe to drive. If you suffer from fatigue or drowsiness after dry needling ensure you inform your Practitioner prior to treatment and arrange for someone else to drive you to and from the appointment.

  • Discomfort and minor bruising: It is normal for some people to experience mild discomfort - particularly in the first treatment or two. Some dry needling techniques typically result in soreness for a day or two. Very minor bruising or bleeding may also happen. An ice pack can assist recovery (10-15 minutes - use safely: towel around icepack, remove if too cold or painful).

  • Pneumothorax (Puncture/collapsed lung): This is extremely unlikely with appropriate needle application - However, if you do experience increasing shortness of breath following dry needling over the shoulders or trunk, please contact your therapist directly or attend to the nearest hospital emergency department.

If you have any concerns please contact your treating Practitioner

I consent to having dry needling technique as part of my physiotherapy management. I have had the procedure explained to me including potential benefits and risks or side effects as detailed above. I have been given sufficient opportunity to ask any questions.

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